
Some jobs require exceptional power. The K 1260 is a real powerhouse with an impressive 5.8 kW output, turning your heaviest cutting job into a fast and effective operation. Suitable for road works when used with the corresponding KV 970/1260 trolley. The trolley also means you can fully concentrate on the cutting job.

Husqvarna K 1260
- High power with less fuel: Our built-in automatic filter compensation SmartCarb™ maintains high power and lowers fuel consumption.
- Reduced wear: Reduced wear thanks to the drive belt with fully sealed transmission, which keeps out the cutting dust.
- Cuts close to walls or ground: Possible thanks to the reversible cutting arm
- Maintenance-free air filter: The only time the filter needs to be checked and changed is if you experience lack of power.
- Reversible cutting arm
- Blade retarder
- Active Air Filtration™
- Anti-vibration system
- EasyStart
- SmartCarb™
- Poly-V belt
- Wet cutting kit
- Blocks, curbstones and pavers
- Cast concrete
- Floors and walls
- Grooves
- Pipes